摘自 中国儿童银屑病诊疗专家共识(2021)
2:Thorleifsdottir RH, Eysteinsdóttir JH, Olafsson JH, et al. Throatinfections are associated with exacerbation in a substantialproportion of patients with chronic plaque psoriasis[J].ActaDerm Venereol, 2016,96(6):788⁃791. doi: 10.2340/00015555⁃2408.
3:Thorleifsdottir RH, Sigurdardottir SL, Sigurgeirsson B, et al.HLA ⁃Cw6 homozygosity in plaque psoriasis is associated withstreptococcal throat infections and pronounced improvementafter tonsillectomy: a prospective case series[J]. J Am AcadDermatol, 2016,75(5):889 ⁃ 896. doi: 10.1016/j.jaad.2016.06.061.
4:Thorleifsdottir RH, Sigurdardottir SL, Sigurgeirsson B, et al.Patient ⁃ reported outcomes and clinical response in patientswith moderate ⁃ to ⁃ severe plaque psoriasis treated withtonsillectomy: a randomized controlled trial[J]. Acta DermVenereol, 2017,97(3):340⁃345. doi: 10.2340/00015555⁃2562.